Vážení kolegové,
po večerním návratu z Paříže a s nezapomenutelnými osobními zážitky účasti na přípravě Dohody o Klimatu a jejího přijetí Vám přeposílám i sdělení prezidenta WBCSD k této historické události planetárního významu.
Věřím, že tato výborná zpráva Vám zpříjemní 3. adventní neděli.
Peter J. Kalaš
WBCSD key messages on the Paris Agreement
This is an historic day. The Paris Agreement has been adopted, and it will change everything.
The news from Paris is a major step forward by all governments of the world to safeguard the future of life on our planet. After many years of discussions and negotiations, there is now no question: a low-carbon economy is inevitable.
Not only does the agreement support holding the increase in global temperatures to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, it includes a stretch goal to limit that increase to just 1.5 °C.
The agreement takes account of the many commitments from governments, business, cities and citizens; all of whom joined their voices in the call to action. In hearing those voices, the Paris Agreement heralds a new relationship between governments, business and other non-state actors to work together to accelerate the transition to a thriving, clean economy with equitable access to sustainable development for all.
Innovative collaborative solutions, implemented at scale, will be critical to bringing the Paris Agreement to life. Businesses around the world must now scale up to reduce emissions and lead the acceleration of the transition to our low carbon world.
You will hear much more from WBCSD about this as our focus turns to implementation in 2016, particularly through the Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative (LCTPi).
For now, I urge you to celebrate this moment. Thank you for your support in 2015. You have helped to achieve a monumental and important goal, for our planet and our future.
Warm regards,
Peter Bakker
President & CEO, WBCSD