Rok 2023 mnohé pozorovatele vodíkového sektoru zklamal, protože realizátoři projektů nadále odkládali investice. Politiky přijaté v roce 2023, jako jsou kvóty EU, pokyny pro daňové úlevy v USA a japonské rozdílové smlouvy, by měly v roce 2024 pomoci více projektům překonat studie proveditelnosti. Stále však přetrvává řada problémů. Přečtěte si 10 věcí, na které si v roce 2024 musíme dát pozor, podle agentury BloombergNEF.
- Electrolyzer shipments will rise. European policies will drive hydrogen (H2) use in existing sectors such as oil refining, while shipping and aviation companies will also increase H2 purchases; US developers will get the clarity needed to take advantage of lucrative tax credits; and Japan and South Korea move from talk to action with significant subsidies.
- Blue and nuclear hydrogen could also get a boost as the EU, which has so far favored renewable H2, clarifies its regulations and offers subsidy programs and targets for their use.
- But challenges still abound. Electrolyzers are likely to face more technical issues as the first batch of large green H2 projects starts operation. Electrolyzer shipments could rise slower than expected if policies are delayed. Depending on their design, planned clean H2 auctions could suffer from higher costs and reveal prices that put tears in taxpayers’ eyes.
- The key markets to watch in 2024 will be the US as it finalizes its H2 tax credit guidance and negotiates support for seven hydrogen hubs, Europe as it runs its first hydrogen auctions, Japan and South Korea as they try to reclaim their leadership in the hydrogen sector, and China, which continues to be the largest market for clean hydrogen today.
BNEF clients can access the full report here.