We CAN create a world in which more than 9 billion people live well, by 2050
We recently launched Vision 2050: Time to Transform. It’s a comprehensive framework for business action in line with the urgency of the challenges we face: the climate emergency; nature in crisis; mounting inequality. We want it to inspire companies to seize the opportunities that transformation holds, but also to be realistic about what it will take to drive change at the scale and rate required for a world where 9+ billion people live well, within planetary boundaries. In this insight, our colleague Filippo Veglio shares the human focus of Vision 2050, starting with the handful of fundamental foundations for that we need to realize for living well?
This blog is the first of a series that WBCSD will be sharing this year, exploring Vision 2050 in more detail.
Leading tire manufacturers launch sustainability Roadmap
The members of WBCSD’s Tire Industry Project (TIP) have launched a Roadmap to accelerate tire value-chain impact on the SDGs. Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap, was produced by the 11 member companies of TIP in consultation with value-chain stakeholders. The Roadmap outlines how the tire sector can contribute to the SDGs whilst navigating the transition to a low-carbon, resilient and resource-efficient economy.
International Energy Agency ‘Net Zero by 2050 report’-Business summary
The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) newly published report presents a comprehensive roadmap for the global energy sector to reach net zero emissions by 2050, while ensuring universal energy access and economic growth. This summary prepared by WBCSD highlights the key actions which IEA presents to transform global energy consumption and production between now and 2050.
WBCSD supports the new Climate Action Pathway for Industry
Under the leadership of the High-Level Climate Champions, last week the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action launched the updated Industry pathway. The pathway provides a roadmap for countries and non-state actors, such as business, to identify actions needed by 2021, 2025, 2030 and 2040 to deliver a zero-carbon world in time. WBCSD played a lead role in coordinating the delivery of the new Industry Pathway with the UNFCCC, the Climate Champions Team and major stakeholders.
Scaling the e-mobility transition: climate-related financial disclosure and the automotive sector
Leading auto companies dive into climate-related risks, opportunities, metrics and scenarios in our latest Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Preparer Forum report including decarbonization targets, illustrative scenario analysis and risk assessment considering the enabling conditions for e-mobility.
The innovative mobility landscape: The case of Mobility as a Service
In partnership with the International Transport Forum (ITF), we will soon launch a report on the current and future context for urban mobility, with a focus on Mobility as a Service (MaaS) as a means to address sustainability challenges.
What does investor relations have to do with sustainability?
Read insights into how to build trust around sustainability and value, the opportunities for investor relations managers to lead sustainable communications with financial markets and what tools and guidance exist in this article by Joss Tantram, Director in the Redefining Value Program, in the latest edition of the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) Reporting Times.
How business can be part of the solution to solving our nature and climate crises.
While business are increasingly recognizing nature’s essential role in supporting human wellbeing and health, we are still outstripping nature’s ability to supply the services on which we all depend. This blog by our colleagues Nadine McCormick and James Smith is part of a series presenting business perspectives on climate and nature issues to raise awareness about the challenges, opportunities and actions for business to address the climate recovery and nature loss.
The Climate-Nature Nexus: Implications for the financial sector
A new report from the Finance for Biodiversity Initiative (F4B) details why and how climate and nature impacts must be considered together, and not in isolation. The findings laid out in the report assert that a future that deals with both the nature and biodiversity crises will be very different to one that deals with climate alone..
“Voices from the Field” blog series
South African farmer Nono Sekhoto highlights the importance of youth inclusion in agriculture as the UN Food Systems Summit approaches. The article was developed in partnership with the Just Rural Transition, CCAFS, Wageningen University & Research’s Farming Systems Ecology Group.
We need to listen in order to be heard – Communication in the forest sector
In this blog, Susan Brunner, from Mondi, explains the important and often difficult role of communication in building public awareness, support and trust in the forest sector. This is the first of a series of blogs from the members of WBCSD’s Forest Solutions Group (FSG) that will present diverse perspectives on the forest sector’s many connections with key global development issues.
Partnership with Raconteur: A special edition on “sustainable innovation”
We are pleased to announce our partnership with Raconteur on a special-edition “Sustainable Innovation” report, due to be published in The Sunday Times on 27 June. The report will look at how industries and corporations are taking action on climate change to meet the SDGs and net-zero targets. Innovation across supply chain, technology and business practices will be required to facilitate mass-scale transformation. If you’d like to become involved and feature in the report, please contact Sophie Freeman at sf@raconteur.net