We would like to kindly invite you to two webinars that we are (co-) organizing next week that we believe would be highly relevant for you. Please find the short descriptions below and the full invitation attached.
1) Webinar on Financing Natural Capital – CELÁ POZVÁNKA
2) IUCN webinar on “No Net Loss and Net Positive Impact Approaches for Biodiversity” – CELÁ POZVÁNKA
Webinar on financing natural capital
Timing: Tuesday 16 June at 09:00-10:30am CET then 4:00-5:30pm CET
We invite you to join a webinar that aims to introduce the landscape of investment in conservation as well as a number of existing funds and investment mechanisms. This will be of interest to all companies aiming to better understand and explore innovative ways of financing natural infrastructure, sustainable land management, or ecosystem restoration-related projects.
Please see the attached webinar invite. A calendar invite will follow shortly.
IUCN webinar on ‘No Net Loss and Net Positive Impact Approaches for Biodiversity: exploring the potential application of these approaches in the commercial agriculture and forestry sectors’
Timing: Thursday 11th June – 2 options, either 10.00 CET or 16.00 CET (1 hour)
WBCSD and IUCN’s Global Business and Biodiversity Programme invite you to a webinar to present a summary of IUCN’s new report, discuss its implications and possible next steps. The report – entitled ‘No Net Loss and Net Positive Impact Approaches for Biodiversity: exploring the potential application of these approaches in the commercial agriculture and forestry sectors’ – will be of interest to anyone working on biodiversity in landscapes with commercial agriculture and forestry activities, as well as biodiversity-related best practices and standards in these sectors.
Best regards,
Violaine, Dalma, Tatiana, Uta, Eva, Karolina
The WBCSD team of
Ecosystems & Landscape Management Cluster
Water Cluster
Forests Solutions Group
Natural Capital Protocol
Global Network
Dalma Somogyi
Food & Biomaterial Solutions Associate
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Maison de la Paix l Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2 l CP 246 1211 Geneva 21
T: +41 (0) 22 839 3130 l F: +41 (0) 22 839 31 31
E: somogyi@wbcsd.org l Skype : wbcsd_dsomogyi l W: www.wbcsd.org