„We Value Nature“ (Vážíme si přírody) je tříletá kampaň, která přinese novou formu pro podniky po celé Evropě, jak si vážit naší přírody.
We Value Nature is a three year campaign that will help to make valuing nature the new normal for businesses across Europe.
Working with the Natural Capital Coalition and supported by the European Commission, We Value Nature will collaborate with businesses, networks, platforms and other interested stakeholders to mainstream approaches such as Natural Capital Assessment, Natural Capital Accounting, Nature Based Solutions, Green Infrastructure and related ecosystem-based approaches.
Why We Value Nature
Nature is essential to the future of the planet, but natural resources are being used up faster than the Earth can replace them. Through understanding and considering the risks and opportunities created by nature, businesses can make better decisions that benefit themselves, society and the planet as a whole. To find out more about Natural Capital and why many businesses already value nature, visit the Natural Capital Coalition website.
Zdroj: www.wbcsd.org